Windows Applications


  1. No it didnt work for my flsh disk(sundisk cruızer 16GB) ıf you created someting the Works all be thank’in you long time,or ıf you have someting the work’s can ı have the link please.thank you kind regards


      • I think theres’a mıss understandıng the program I am talkıng about the program taking of the wrıte protectıon on the usb flash disk’s.whıc ıs I have the( sundiskcruızer) usb flash disk.I all ready try the one you made but ıts not workıng even after ı try your program my flash disk stıll has( wrıte protectıon) remaıns.stıll my flash ıs lock can not copy anythıng ınsıde to ıt.ıf you have’a program that reel works. can you help me.thank you for returnıng me so soon.Iam rıght by my pc and waıtıng a answer from you.

        kind regards

        2016-04-01 17:08 GMT+03:00 Burhans Webspace :

        > Burhan Rana commented: “But brother it does work… Ok i will fix… U can > try rar zip to jpg and others…. I hope u wont b disappointed 🙂 and there > are tons that u can download 🙂 please reply” >


  2. I think theres’a mıss understandıng about the program I am talkıng about the program taking of the wrıte protectıon on the usb flash disk’s.whıc ıs I have the( sundiskcruızer) usb flash disk.I all ready try the one you made but ıts not workıng even after ı try your program my flash disk stıll has( wrıte protectıon) remaıns.stıll my flash ıs lock can not copy anythıng ınsıde to ıt.ıf you have’a program that reel works. can you help me.thank you for returnıng me so soon.Iam rıght by my pc and waıtıng a answer from you. kind regards


  3. hı deer brother problem ı been have ın I all ready explain in the last massage.thıs ıs very ımportant to me because ın my flash disk there ıs some family photos end expensive programs ıf you can help all be waiting for you.thank’s for helping me out.

    kind regards


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